Thursday, April 3, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 3

You know what to do. Post your word count in the comment section. Don't give up. I'm at 2500 words so far for anyone interested.

**Pssst! Gotta secret. I'm gathering up prizes for the "I completed my first draft" drawing on July 1st. The prize bucket includes a 2G mp3 player loaded with the entire 2007 RWA Conference Workshops.

Happy Writing :)


L.A. Mitchell said...

Okay, it's either clean clothes and a fabulous pitch on Saturday


I hit my thou today and make you all weep with jealousy cause we all know non of us has time today, right?

Yeah. Clean clothes trumps all :)

Sherry A Davis said...

I'm very lucky. I don't have to work tomorrow. So, clean clothes, pay bills and 1600 before midnight is my goal.

Anonymous said...

Hey girls! Well, it's pretty easy for me to keep track of my word count overall because I started at zippo! On the other hand, I'm finding it difficult to keep track per day, even if it is only day three so I'm going to stop trying. So, as of today, I'm at 3,678, which is a little disappointing because my personal goal was to be at 5k by now.

I'm not doing the conference this weekend because I've got some other travel coming up and then Nationals this summer. Good luck to you all! I'll be sure to stay on target even while you all are away!

May you all make the connection that will turn into your dream deal!

Anonymous said...

Aww, Tracy! Did you have to rub it in?? *grin* Congratulations on the great word count! 3600 is nothing to snarf at. I'm a bit jealous.

So keep up the great count whilst we're away, and we'll do our best while you're at nationals.

Did you hit that 1600 Sherry??

See you at the booksigning Ms. Mitchell!

Sherry A Davis said...

Tracy, we missed you!

Congratulations on the word count. You're in the lead, I think :)