Sunday, April 6, 2008

Back to the Challenge

I had a great weekend at the Dreamin' in Dallas Conference this past weekend. Saw some great friends. Bought a load of books at the booksigning and took some pics of my buddies signing their first books.

Nancy Haddock's La Vida Vampire from Berkley
Jax Cassidy's The Lotus Blossom Chronicles
LA Mitchell, Mary Malcolm, Gina Lee Nelson, Nikki Holloway and Christine Crocker signed their Anthology Love, Texas Style.

I also took the opportunity to catch up with good friends and meet a couple of new ones while attending lots of great workshops with speakers Lori Foster, Kresley Cole, PC Cast, Gena Showalter, Candace Havens and too many others to count. In all, it was a great weekend. I learned a lot. Filled up the well, which was in a sad state. Really sad.

So, now it's time to get back to work on the WIP. Post your word counts here. If anyone has any pics of DiD they'd like to share, email them to me and I'll post them on the side bar!

Happy Writing,


Sherry A Davis said...

947 words last night. Whoo-hoo!

I'm hovering around 3700.

Anonymous said...

Great job Sherry! 3700 is a great place to be hovering!

Sad to say, but I am taking a one week hiatus so that I can do some of this editing and get these stories into the hands of people who might pay me!

BUT...I will be back. And when I come back, it will be with a wild vigor unlike which you have never seen. *GRIN*

Sherry A Davis said...

Go, Vigor Girl, Go!

I'll check your blog to keep from missing you :(