Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 2

Okay, sorry I'm late. I thought I posted this early this morning but apparently the virtual fairies are against me. :(

Post your word count in the comment section.

Happy Writing,



Sherry A Davis said...

UNCLE! I'm at 400 and sucking wind over here. My evening was taken up with the kids talent show and I'm exhausted. I'll have to make up the difference tomorrow.

Hope everyone else is having a good night.

Mary M made her count. Sandra made her count. Who else?

L.A. Mitchell said...

My count yesterday was 1016.

Sorry you had such a rough day yesterday, S. Today is a new day and Friday night means martinis :)

Sherry A Davis said...

Oh, yes it does :) Martinis all around!
I'm helping with the book signing setup so I'll be there early.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm so excited about Friday, I just can't sit still. *lol* Be forwarned...I, um, will not be making my count on Friday or Saturday. *lol* I'll try to make up for it on Sunday. But I'm excited!!!

Anonymous said...

I was a total loser today, only made about 600 words, but I'm not beating myself up too much over it since I'm still averaging a little over 2,000 for the two days.