Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Challenge Day 1

Ready, set, go!!

Today is race day. If you've joined us for the challenge, post your title and word count in the comments section.

If you didn't make your count, post anyway or just leave a congrats for the others :)



Anonymous said...

Alright ladies! I've got my 1000 for the day. Good luck to everyone else!

L.A. Mitchell said...

1,036 words. Not all crap, either :)

Sherry A Davis said...

Okay, I've done my pages for the day. Who else?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sherry! Great job! See you again tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I got 1508 in. Hoped to get in more, but it's more than I had yesterday so I'll take it. Thanks for the challenge Sherry! I needed it.

Sherry A Davis said...

Hey, great work women!! I actually had around 2100. But it was the first scene I'd been futzing around with forever. I finally finished it. Who's going to DiD this weekend?

Mary Karlik said...

Okay I did make my pages yesterday. 6 new and 10 edited. My re-write of chapter one is getting better this is version 5. I love editing!

Anonymous said...

I'll be at DiD this weekend. Wow! Congratulations everyone! Great word counts. And congratulations on finishing that first scene.

Anonymous said...

Challenge Day 2...I just wanted to let ya'll know that I've hit the mark for today. Best of luck reaching those goals ladies!

K.M. Saint James said...

I did it. I'm not sure how, but it's there.