Saturday, June 14, 2008

Inspiration ala Ben Browder

I know, I know. I'm working on the PROMO stuff, really. I just needed a little "Ben Time". He was the actor who played one of my favorite character, John Crighton from Farscape. Any Scapers out there? Great show! He played an astronaut working on wormhole technology. The only way to test his theory was to volunteer for the flight. Unfortunately, it worked.

Shot through a wormhole to the other side of the galaxy with no way of getting home. His headlong flight into oblivion was stopped by a ship who inadvertantly intersected his path. The other ship is obliterated and we find out within moments that it carried the brother of a most feared general who witnessed the incident.

John's shuttle is fired on, his actions taken as an act of war. The only other ship is an organic Leviathin, a prison ship taken over by 7 escapees. They want to stay off the general's radar but the Leviathin senses John Crighton and when the FTL powers up to jump, she takes John's shuttle with her. Now they're all on the run. The galaxy outcasts and John, who believes he can find a way home, eventually.

Great conflict. (more applauds, please)

My other consideration to have a hot hunk occassionally grace my blog was a promo site which said the hot-ticket hunk to add traffic to your blog was Alan Rickman. And I want to put a picture of Alan. I love him! I just can't decide which era Rickman to post. So, for now, I'll list him in my labels. (another must-do in PROMO)

Okay, enough. Back to promo and branding. Have a great one!


Kazbaby said...


Found your blog via Google Alert. Just wanted to say hello from a fellow Scaper. :D

Ben Browder is great for inspiring other works in fans.

Mary Malcolm Duncanson said...

*lol* I have to tell you, although I think Ben is cute, and Rickman is adorable...I'm a Harry girl myself. Yup. My husband, Harry Connick Jr. He can't be beat. I would put a picture of him up on my blog, but I don't want other women drooling over my man. *LOL*

Hope you're doing excellent!

L.A. Mitchell said...

Um, larger than a postage stamp, please :)

K.M. Saint James said...

Ooh, that man is hot. How did I miss this series? Besides the fact that I've never done Sci-Fi, which apparently was bad planning on my part. Seriously, now that I've tackled 7 in to The Dresden File series and am seriously hooked by Jim Butcher, I need to start looking at these Sci-Fi series. All I need is a few more hours each day.

Happy promoing!

saneTV said...

My other consideration to have a hot hunk occassionally grace my blog was a promo site which said the hot-ticket hunk to add traffic to your blog was Alan Rickman

Heh. Seems to have worked just fine with Ben Browder.

Try some ladies. Start with Claudia Black. Watch the traffic roll in.


whisky at sanetvworld

Sherry A Davis said...

Hey, thanks for the tips :) I'll try Claudia Black. I love her!

Jax Cassidy said...

Never saw him before but he's HAWT! Just wanted to say HI :)