Friday, June 27, 2008


Finally, HERE COMES THE BRIBE is released today at
The Wild Rose Press.

I'm so excited!! Please go over and take a peek :)


K.M. Saint James said...

It's Sunday and no comments -- what's with this group?

Just bought my copy and now Here Comes A Bribe is officially installed on my computer.

Thanks for the dedication. I mean, like Wow, thanks for the dedication.

Can't wait to read it all again. Gotta go, dinner is waiting and then it's the perfect time to curl up with a great book and lucky for me I have the right one!

Hugs and kisses on the release! It's awesome.

Mary Karlik said...

It's been a long time coming and I'm sooo happy for you. Congrats I can't wait to read it! I am raising a virtual glass of champagne in your honor --or should I say cosmo. I'm so happy for you honey. CONGRATS! Love ya!

L.A. Mitchell said...

I am SO excited for you, Sherry. You deserve every moment in the sunshine. I can't wait to download it and revisit the story. And, I feel so blessed I was able to toast this special time with you. Congrats, hon.

Sherry A Davis said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you *gushing*

I took the weekend off to just do nothing and not think about it. Too nervous. Too many variables I have absolutely no control over.

But THANK YOU SO MUCH for buying my book :)

Jen FitzGerald said...

Hey Sherry,

Read the thing in a day! I really, really enjoyed the story, and loved Cole.

Congrats ~

Jen FitzGerald

Andrea Geist said...

Well deserved congrats!

Andrea Geist said...

Fun and sexy! Here Comes the Bribe is a charming tale. Cole is a hero you desire and enjoy. Andi is spunky and sweet. Ms. Davis has crafted an enjoyable summer read. I can't wait for more from this author.