Monday, June 9, 2008

The End ...

... of the Writing Challenge.

That's right. After careful consideration, I've ended the writing challenge. But I did learn a thing or two along the way:

1. 90 days is way toooooo loooonnnnnggggg to keep a challenge going.
Too many pot holes and sticking points along the way that are impossible to see until you're in the middle of it all.

2. Guilt is a powerful motivator but a poor inspiration.
Yes, you need motivation to keep writing every day, keep pushing to meet your word count. But when life steps in to side-track your best intentions, you need to be able to shift gears without beating yourself up.

3. Some things were not meant to be bent to a time schedule. The muse is one of those things. The harder you try to fit it into the box the more unweildy it becomes until all you have is a broken box. Allow yourself the space to zig instead of zag.

On a positive note, I just found out the digital release of Here Comes the Bribe has been moved up to June 27!!! That's a couple of weeks, folks. So maybe it's best that the challenge has been ended. It's time to focus on a promo strike.

I'm off to hit the PROMO-Ho's Website and soak up some lessons on branding before my release date and the first reviews start coming in.

Here's to a good writing (or not) week to all of you.


L.A. Mitchell said...

#2 is SO true, isn't it? What an insightful post. It was fun while it lasted.

Can't wait until your release!

Sonja Foust said...

Good luck with your promo! Yep, you have to allow yourself room to change your plans. :)

K.M. Saint James said...

Great tips. I'm so proud of you for sticking it out for the 90 days -- hell or not. You're tough and you wear it well.

Can't wait to hear all your promo advice.

See you soon.

Mary Malcolm Duncanson said...

I think that's a great decision, and I agree with you completely. Goals are great motivators, but sometimes being able to take things at a slower pace is good for the soul.

So thank you for the challenge. And for being there post after post. I appreciate the effort you put in toward not only becoming a better writer in your own right, but also trying to help us along the way.

Best wishes for great promo-ing!