Friday, May 16, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 46


Well, I've bitten the bullet and am writing new pages today while I'm tending to Strep Throat boy :( He's in a lot of pain. His tonsils look like the leftovers from a meat grinder. We narrowly avoided a repeat of Porcelain Bowl Worship service this morning. (not so lucky last night, though!)

For now, Guitar Hero on the PS3 seems to be an immense help.

I felt a little queasy myself this morning after I decided that the rewrite would have to be on clean, white pages. No salvaging the first three chapters. My heroine has evolved into a whole different character. (good for the story, bad for my timeline.) My new goal is to be finished with the rough draft before RWA's National Convention at the end of July. (sigh)



Sherry A Davis said...

I love this picture! It's my inspiration for the vortex; what Resa sees when she looks through the phase-shift to the other side of the barrier.
This morning, I've written 350 new words.

Mary Malcolm Duncanson said...

Congratulations Sherry! Forward movement! Keep going...

L.A. Mitchell said...

Wow, you are ruthless, Sherry. That really takes courage. I'm proud of you :)

Sherry A Davis said...

Thanks for the rah-rah :) I need it. And a big thanks for hanging in there with me through this challenge.

I'm still adding to my word count. I'll post my weekend tally on Monday morning.

Have a great weekend!