Thursday, May 15, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 45

Trial by fire, that's a writer's life. I thought this pic was appropriate as we've now reached the halfway point in our challenge. It's amazing how things can change in the space of six weeks, isn't it? But, that's a writer's life.

Keep writing! (or revising, whatever the case may be :)



Mary Malcolm Duncanson said...

Half way? Are you sure??

Yikes! *lol*

Well, I have 752 new words for today for a new total of 27592.

How are the revisions coming along??

Sherry A Davis said...

Revisions are a slog through mud, at the moment :) Thanks for asking.

But I have a good jumping off point. I really think this new lite version of Residuals will be a seller, though. So ... off to write.