Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 44

I should be writing but my brain is thinking about Battlestar Galactica and who is the freaking 5th Cylon???

My vote is for Gaeta. He's the 5th!

Happy Writing,

Sherry - who got some great revision work done last night with the BEST cp on the planet.

Thanks, Sandy!!
Check out her blog at


Mary Malcolm Duncanson said...

Alright kids, I've gotten a bit done since the last time I checked in. And I've decided to stop beating myself up for not quite hitting my goals. I'm writing, moving my story forward. I'm going to embrace that as a good thing and try to ease up on the internal pressure. Writing should be fun, not a chore.

With that being said, since the last time I've checked in I have 1207 new words. And a new total of 26840.

I hope the rest of your stories are moving forward as well, and I can't wait to hear from you all again!

K.M. Saint James said...

It was so my pleasure. And thanks for the wine. Next time . . . my turn.

Sherry A Davis said...

Mary, you're awesome!

Kudos to Laura, who is also plugging away.

And Sandra, it was my pleasure. I will certainly take you up on that offer and you may pick my brain in quid-pro-quo fashion :)

Happy Writing, Ladies.