Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 43

Good Morning. Here's a cuppa to get you all started on this Tuesday morning.

My apologies for being out of pocket for the last few days. Frankly, Mother's Day was exhausting. Why do they call it a holiday if everyone is required to work so hard?

It's back to the challenge today. I've edited around 50 pages, cutting and snipping and streamlining. I guess that makes my new count 12,500 approximately.

Write on!



L.A. Mitchell said...

I've missed you. Didn't know quite where to put my word count :)

I'm back on track, too. Yesterday was 1200 words and I'll be out the door in a few hours to get today's count.

Thanks for the java!

Sherry A Davis said...

My apologies. It's been crazy, to say the least. No one's sick or anything. Just the end of the school year and Mi Vida Loca :)