Friday, May 9, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 39

By all rights, I should have around 39k of my ms in rough draft. I wish that were the case. Through stumbles and falls, I have less than half of what I wanted. ARGGGGGGG!

So be it. I have to put the current aside and concentrate on Book I to make it brilliant.

Time is evil.

Back to work, now.


Mary Malcolm Duncanson said...

I feel your frustration, Sherry. I normally write a lot faster than this, but I just haven't been able to find my pacing on this story. I guess writing isn't always as fun as it looks in the movies, huh?

I wrote 959 new words today for a new total of 25633.

I'd love to hear how some of the other mss are coming along, when you ladies get the chance.

L.A. Mitchell said...

Love the clock, Sherry :)

I share the frustration. Not just going out of town getting me behind, but immersing myself in Deep Edits I realize I may need more time than I thought. It'll make a better product, but I can't help thinking the finish line has just outdistanced me by about 50 miles!

K.M. Saint James said...

What's to say? There is never enough time. I scarcely draw breath and it feels like I need to be doing a thousand different things and none of them involve my own work.

However, you do have a very good reason to be working back through The Residuals -- a revise and resubmit -- okay, that's exciting.

Oh, and tag you're it.

Pop by my blog and see why.