Thursday, May 8, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 38

It's quiet around the blog. It feels a little spooky, like this empty dugout. I hope that means everyone is so busy writing and/or revising they just don't have time to check in and be counted.

I've begun the dreaded revisions of Book I. I've decided to cut 10k, give or take.

I printed off the first 8 chapters and found myself a crazy pen. I'm reading through with an eye to deepening the world through speech and specific metaphors. I'm making lists of every plot line, character and their goals. I'm streamlining, taking out anything that doesn't propel the main plot line and the romance.

Yes (sigh). After much angst and deliberation, I've decided to make this book a romance.

There are specific reasons why I didn't but now I see the reasons for beefing up the romance to an "optimistic" ending are stronger. So, there you go.

Write on!



L.A. Mitchell said...

Okay, no more crickets chirping over here. Back to work.

What a huge decision...can't wait to hear more.

Mary Malcolm Duncanson said...

Wow Sherry! Good luck with the revisions. It sounds as if you have some pretty big changes coming your way. Good luck with that!

I'm in a bit of a funk with my book. I don't "feel" the characters very well right now, so I'm going to go back to editing the other one, and give this one a one week break. Otherwise, I've managed 604 new words since the last time we spoke, for a new total of 24674.

So I'm off to editing land, and for the next week or so I'll be posting how many pages I managed to edit each day rather than new word counts. I realize that wasn't the challenge, but I think a small break might help put these characters back into perspective for me. So! Good luck with everyone else on your new word counts, good luck to Sherry with the revisions, and wish me luck with the editing!