Friday, May 2, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 32

I thought this summed up my "transitions" I worked on last night.

Happy Writing,



L.A. Mitchell said...

Love this picture. I totally want to be there. I'm already into M. Lawson's Deep Edits course, so if you hear a gurgle, it's me trying to hit my word count, absorb massive amounts of awesome information and juggle my crazy life.

Thanks for keeping me going, Sherry :)

Anonymous said...

So I had an interesting experience today. I'm writing along, and I realized that my 90K single title that I'd planned out is not what I'm writing. Turns out, this one is a 60K series.

Has that ever happened to anyone else?

Anyhow, I managed 1077 new words for today for a new total of 21,119. And since this is a shorter novel than I intended, I'm starting to think now about what my next project will be...I think I want to revisit the town of my last single title. I liked it there. Reminds me a bit of your picture, Sherry!

So good luck with your stories everyone, and hope you have massive writing weekends! Or very relaxing...which ever you are most in need of.