Saturday, May 3, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 33

Good Morning, it's the weekend again. Mine is a little by-polar; a funeral today and a baby shower tomorrow. I'll be working sporadically, to say the least. I plan to post my totals Monday morning on Challenge Day 35.

Here's to a productive writing weekend to all of us :)


Anonymous said...

Sherry--I'm sorry to hear about the funeral, and excited for you about the baby shower. It sounds like this will be an emotional weekend for you. I hope you know my thougths will be with you!

As for writing, I'm done for the day. With the five little kids coming over for the night again, I just don't see how writing is going to be my priority tonight.

All the same, I managed to have a fairly good day. 2280 new words for a new total of 23399.

Hope everyone has a great writing weekend, and I can't wait to see how ya'll are doing!

K.M. Saint James said...

Wow! Mary, congrats on turning those words out.

sorry to hear about your loss? Do you need to call me? I'm always available for you.

As for the baby shower, fun stuff.

Here's to writing in a vacuum! Wouldn't it be nice? My son has finally moved his computer into his room -- internet connection issues -- and what a pleasure it is to write without hearing the secret lingo of COD in the background.

Happy writing.

L.A. Mitchell said...

I wish I could say I had forward momentum today. I'm having some serious love for this deep editing class but it's really kicking me in the fanny (Not to mention a booksigning and getting ready to leave town Monday) I can almost hear the waves crashing..ALMOST. WAHOO!

Sherry A Davis said...

Congrats on the word count, Mary :)

LA, I loved that deep edits class. I learned soooo much. Where's the booksigning?

Sandra, thanks for the shoulder :) The funeral was for our long-time friend's brother. Very sad. He was 52. Died of a massive heart attack last Monday.

My brain is dead. I still haven't bought the baby gift for tomorrow afternoon. On the upside, we found an economical car at Carmax.

I'm headed to bed early in hopes of rising at dawn to actually put some words on the page.