Monday, April 7, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 7

Okay, I should have around 6000 words this morning. Instead, I'm hovering around 3700 which means I have to kick this into gear.

One of the great things about writing every day is that it keeps the story immediate in the mind. Even after you've turned off the computer and gone about your day or evening, your subconscious continues to plot and write.

Another trick to help you get started each night is to end the scene in the middle. Try it!

Happy Writing,


Anonymous said...

Okay, I don't have the excuse you other ladies have. I didn't go to the DARA conference. I was just lazy. I'm up to 5,000 words right this second. I wanted to go ahead and post that in case I forget tonight. I hope to get caught up after the kiddo's go to bed though! Glad you all had a great time at the conference!

L.A. Mitchell said...

Today's count: 1067 and an awesome place to pick it up tomorrow. Still dragging. Off to bed.

Anonymous said...

I'm done for the day. Total count for the 7 day mark is 6672. Should be able to catch up totally tomorrow.

L.A. Mitchell said...

Are we keeping daily track or cumulative track? Cause these 6K counts are making me look bad.LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping cummulative track because I started at zero and it's too much of an effort to keep daily track. Trust me, I'm no overachiever at this stage. On top of that, this is my first draft so it's safe to say it's all crap! Oy!