Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 30

Congratulations, Mary on your awesome word count yesterday :)

I'm sucking wind over here :( The end of the school year is so crazy. They try to pack so much into the last six weeks. I got zero words added to my word count last night. Unfortunately, I need a quiet, contemplative atmosphere to create. Not so much when editing, but during the initial creation I can't have any distractions. My ADD brain can't take it.

Tonight, it's work, work, work!

Write on!



L.A. Mitchell said...

I'm feeling the craziness here, too. AH! I need a writer's island with a bonfire beach party each night with my CP sistas to celebrate our brilliance for the day.

Oh, and to mark this special thirty days of NOT where I should be, feel free to pop over to my entry today and post on my meme. Got my creative juices flowing again to look back.

Sherry A Davis said...

I'm totally with you on this, LA. It's 10p. The night has been so crazy I haven't writtern a single word, yet.

Just found out a dear friend's brother passed away. Funeral is on Saturday at 10a.