Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 29

Sorry for the tardy post!! I'm celebrating my friend Ardent Reason's b-day today :)

I did manage 4 pages of not so much crap-- possibly very good plot development and character possibilities.

Tracy, I'm so impressed with your word count. I can't wait to read it :)

Write on, friends!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Have ya'll ever had one of those days where you just dug in your heels and decided to write until you hit your goal? Reached your goal and then decided to see just how far you could make it??


Today was that day for me. I'm so excited to report that today I managed to squeeze out a whopping 4037 new words. For a new grand total of...20042.

So now I'm stopping for the say and throwing my good writing mojo into the air for the rest of you! Best wishes on the writing today ladies!!

L.A. Mitchell said...

Wow, Mary!! That's a fantastic amount...wahoo!!! Definately something to celebrate! Still adding up mine...I'll check back in three hours..

Sherry A Davis said...

Whoa, Mary. Congratulations on a spectacular day of writing. :)

Mine. Not so great. Too many last minute details for the kids art show this weekend at Mayfest. Everything had to be turned in Wednesday.

Hopefully, Thursday I can double my effort :(