Monday, April 28, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 28

Here's hoping everyone had a great weekend and productive writing time. Chances are, you had a whole lot of distractions. Me, too.

I did manage to add around 3000 words over the weekend. My total word count is hovering around 8k.

Transitions are the hardest for me. I worked on a really tough scene and sequel with a transition involving a previous character who doubled as friend and enemy in the last book. He'll play a major role in book 2 so it had to be done. I thought this great picture sort of explained my characters developing relationship with the character. Everything around her is unclear at this point.

What did everyone else work on?


Anonymous said...

I'm at a little over 17k words. Seems I take one step forward and two steps back (yes, watching waaaaay to much Paula Abdul on AI). When I run into the ditch, I start editing, cutting and tweaking, hoping to spur a productive new direction. Many times it works but as of the last few days it's not.

I'm going out of town to visit family out of state. I'll try to finish with a bang but unfortunately, I won't be able to report back in unless I climb on top of the house (the only place I can get wireless reception deep in the heart of the Ozarks).

Mary, congrats on your big send-off!! I wish you much luck.

Sherry, thanks for allowing me to crash your challenge. I'm now 17k words farther than I was so that's progress!

Keep writing ladies and may the writing fairies sprinkle you with creative dust. Here's to your WIP being named an Oprah's Book Club Pick soon!

L.A. Mitchell said...

I added a thou yesterday with the promise of another today...we shall see. If I do a thou each day from here out, I'm still on-track for May 31 ending. Now, how to convince that the laptop on a beach vacation really IS a good idea?

K.M. Saint James said...

The weekend was a total waste for writing, but yesterday was good. Oh, yeah, it was good. Hit not only 1,000 words, but actually closer to 1,500. And I'm probably going to keep them all. Okay, well maybe almost all!

Happy writing!

Anonymous said...

First off, Tracy! What part of the Ozarks are you visiting? I actually grew up there, in a little town called Leslie, Arkansas.

Okay, I didn't accomplish quite as much this weekend as I had planned, but with school almost out I'm hoping to really plug away one of these days.

The weekend total was: 1321 for a new total count of 16005.

Congratulations on the word counts ladies, and keep going! You can't write more than one word at a time, so ever words counts. Best wishes!!