Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 23

Good Morning all you future NYT Bestselling Authors!

I'm still waning from the migraine but I'm standing upright today. Trust me, it's an improvement.

Write on!



Sherry A Davis said...

I wrote 800 words yesterday. And yes, it was a very dark scene :)

K.M. Saint James said...

Ah, Sherry girl, I'm so sorry to hear you were under . . . well, I guess when you have a migrain, you want to be under everything, don't you?

Maybe you needed that intensity to write the dark scene.

I've been to Sparkle This! and yep, it's finished.

Worked on my shadow box and fleshed out some in the new book.

Monday was spent helping Jim finish the back porch, and then, I managed to snap my hand in a closing ladder. Gotta tell you, when it hurts too much for bad language then you KNOW it hurts. Needless to say, I wasn't typing after that. Yesterday, was Morgan's 14th birthday. Don't know how that happened. These kids don't ever ask if they can turn another year older; they just do.

Anyway, today has felt positively wonderful writing.

Can't wait for more.

Hugs to you and your aching head.

L.A. Mitchell said...

Okay, I worked my way out of a plot snafu by reshuffling scenes and added 716 new words. Doesn't the forward thinking count for the difference? :)