Thursday, April 24, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 24

Good Morning :)

More storms here in North Texas last night. I bet there were plenty of computers NOT running or facilitating the brilliant writers working through their challenges :(

So... life happens, right?

Here's some fairy dust to help you create twice the word count today.

Write on!



Anonymous said...

Thank you for the fairy dust! I needed it. But thankfully I was able to get in the double word count today to make up for the big bad storm yesterday. Today I hit 2242 new words for a new total of 13959. So I'm still a little over 10K behind where I should be, but I've got to catch up one of these days...right?

*Looking around for light at the end of the tunnel*

L.A. Mitchell said...

You are smokin'. I'm so jealous, in a warm, supportive kind of way :)

Checking my email and blogs is all I'm allowing myself today to get rid of this pain. At least I can move my neck a little left now. It wouldn't budge last night and I could only sleep on one side. Yeow!

Oh, and can I begin to tell you how much new episodes of Lost will mess with my production? Must. Have. Sawyer :)