Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 16

I thought this was such a positive theme, I wanted to share it.

Write on!



L.A. Mitchell said...

Okay, so far today...787 excruciating words dense with police procedure. Like mental research constipation trying so hard to get it right, not all CSI. Does that count? No? Okay, I'll work the 213 remaining words in tonight.


Anonymous said...

Keep going L.A.! You can do it!

I am heading off to school, but I've gotten 1205 words for the day, for a grand total of 6106 so far.

And I just figured out how to get my two stubborn, prideful, and very self opinionated main characters together. Thank goodness! This far in and so far all they've done is butt heads. Perhaps it was your picture, Sherry...thanks for the inspiration!

Sherry A Davis said...

Whoo-hooo! I'm writing new pages again. :) Still not completely finished with the new synopsis/plot line but I have enough for now.

I wrote 250 tonight. Not great but at least their new words and I'm not stuck anymore.