Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 15

Here's some inspiration for reaching the end of your own personal rainbow.

Happy Writing,


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the inspiration Sherry!

I hope everyone has been able to reach their writing goals for the day. I can't tell you all how glad I am to be back to writing...and away from editing!

Truly, I know that editing is a big part of the whole writing thing...but I much prefer this part.

So. For today I wrote 2766 words which brings my new total to 4946. I'm still a little over ten thousand away from where I should be, but hopefully I will be able to catch up again in no time.

Plus! I finally figured out the name of this book. Thank goodness! I had a horrible placer name, and now that it has a name...it has a purpose. So, just an FYI...I am now working on "The Nanny Rules"


What about the rest of you? Have you come up with names for your WIP's? I'd love to hear them!

Anonymous said...

I now have two WIP's since starting this challenge. The one I've done the most on is- wait for it- Liquor Dick. Yeah, I love it and no, I don't write erotica, it's mainstream women's fiction/romance hybrid. Think Candace Bushnell or Jackie Collins.

The second title is Whole. It's more serious, but I'm trying to figure out how to infuse a little more light-hearted fun into it.