Monday, April 14, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 14

Oops! I skipped 13. The camping trip was a lot of fun but very cooolllllddddd. Remind me not to go camping in early April.

Congratulations on the awesome word counts :)

Happy Writing,


L.A. Mitchell said...

Hey all,
I'm at 1400 words today..not sure what that makes the total, but all is good. I think I lost a thousand over the weekend, but the weekend was kind of a blur. Hang in there everyone. You keep me going, too.

Sherry A Davis said...

No words last night. Crappy sinus headache, instead. I did read a couple of chapters of Laura Anne Gilman's UF Staying Dead. I like to read to get the rhythm of good writing.

What do you like to do?

Anonymous said...

First--the big news. I finally finished my editing for Diner Girl and sent that puppy off to Pam Strickler.

Then I ate all my nails.

BUT! To get in the mood for writing...okay, well I'm a nerd. I open up Freecell on my computer, and I tell myself, "I can't write a single word until I win this game."

Luckily, I'm very good a Freecell. *grin* So, I win the game and then my "prize" is getting to write.

It motivates me.