Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hump Day and a New Round of Edits

I know why they call the middle of the week a hump. (No! Get your mind out of the gutter. Well, okay. Wallow for a minute or two then come on out.)

Is it me or did Starbuck's forget to add the shot of espresso? I think they faked it because I'm really dragging here. I'm exercising pretty much every day, due to the inspiration of the newest offering from the Biggest Loser. Such a great show. (I balled on the premier last week!) I love to lift weights while I'm watching or do pushups during the commercials. My big goal is to be able to do fifty by January 1. I'm up to 15-16.

As for the writing, I'm retooling Here Comes the Bribe for Wild Rose Press. This is pretty exciting, though. There's a big difference in editing a manuscript and editing a manuscript for immiment publication. My head is in a whole different place. So is my heart.

The pressure is on to really do justice for my characters and the story, as well as my publisher and my editor who've put so much faith in me. It's very humbling and I'm giving it a 110%. (Yes, I love that movie--Bedazzled--with Brendan Frasier, too :) )

Okay, so give a 110%!

Happy Writing


Shannon Canard said...

I can't wait to read this one, Sherry. Maybe give us a blurb or a teaser?

K.M. Saint James said...

You'll do wonderful with your edits. I second Shannon's request. Can we have a teaser?

Andrea Geist said...

Oh, hump day and you balled. ;)

L.A. Mitchell said...

Your doing great with edits. Keep at it...I know every word will *sparkle* :)