Saturday, September 26, 2009


This week, ABC added the latest entry of genre-bending Science fiction-time travel to its line up with FlashForward.

Following in the footsteps of Lost, this series seems to be more finely tuned. The characters have specific goals, other than survival, and the writers have managed to add emotional conflicts to support the external conflict of waking up after a world-wide two minute blackout.

I also like the pendulum of possibilites with the visions. The over-arching story is circling around why, which is a biggee. But this is a story which needs an ending. It was so obvious six months in to LOST that the writers had no idea where the plot was going. We all suffered through the growing pains of the plot right along with them. And I'm still not satisfied with how they ended it and definitely unsatisfied with the wrap up and re-vision of the series (and the year-long wait!).

However, I'm willing to suspend disbelief for now with FlashForward. I'm very interested in what the young suicidal doctor saw for his vision. And I'm wondering what was so bad that he wanted to die. I'd also like to know what the Benfer kid saw in her dream. And why she made the friendship bracelet for dad. The kangaroo jumping through the street was crazy! (very surreal) And of course, the guy walking around in the Utah stadium ...

I'm hopeful this will be a great show and sometime in April (29th or 30th?) We'll see the reason for all the chaos created. The next question is; will the show then switch gears and develop into a deeper conflict of who are the bad guys and can they be stopped?

Jump in, add your thoughts. And what would you do if you got a glimpse of your future?


K.M. Saint James said...

I, too, watched this premier. Seems several of my CPs are completely interested in time-travel, and I need to 'keep' up. *GRIN*

There were some sticking points for me, but maybe because so much was introduced all at once. Lots of depth, I guess, to develop the story. But sometimes loads of characters are just 'loads of characters'. That was one of the things that turned me from LOST. It was simply too much work to keep up with everyone.

But I'd love to see a good time-travel, or Sci-Fi, if you will hit the big time with TV.

L.A. Mitchell said...

OMG>.......I have it on my DVR and haven't gotten to it yet. la,la,la, la...I can't hear you.

I'll be back when I've seen it:)

Ardent Reason said...

I'm with Sandra. I gave up on LOST because I felt like I needed to take notes just to keep up. I haven't seen this show yet. I'll have to go back and watch it online if I can.