Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Feeding the Muse ...

I took a break for a couple of weeks and now I'm working on my new wip, Witness for the Damned, a romantic suspense/thriller. This was a book I wrote a partial for last summer and plotted all the way through to the end; which was a good plan.

A lot of writers work on the fly but that's not me. With the list of other committments on my plate, my actual writing time is limited to weekends and the random evening when my kids have (graciously) done all their homework before they get home.

My hope was to spend the month of August and the first couple weeks of September getting the kids ready for school, aclimated to their new sleep schedules and firmly ensconsed in a routine so I could begin the fast draft to the end of this book.

But I'm finding it difficult, to say the least.

Sometimes, the muse just doesn't want to play nice. In fact, the muse doesn't want to play at all. So having a fully developed synopsis is a must-have.

So, how do you write?

1 comment:

L.A. Mitchell said...

I want to FastDraft, too. Have we done that before together? I can't remember. Let me know ;)