Saturday, October 3, 2009

Celebration Time!!

I have no reason for posting this picture of Ben Browder. Just felt like staring at him for a couple of minutes. :) Okay, back to business, unless you need a couple more minutes with Ben (which I totally understand).

As some of you know, I've been serving as the PRO Liaison to RWA's Board of Directors for the last two years. It's been such a big part of my life but I'm happy to turn it over to the newly elected liaison. It was a great experience and I loved representing PROs within the organization. But it's time to move over and let someone else have a go at it. Good luck, Cyndi Morgan! You'll do a great job as PRO Liaison.

So, what does this mean for me next?

Writing!! Yes, I'm excited to use my spare time working on the projects I have circulating. Alas, my agent hunt as of this writing, is still fruitless. But I am ever hopeful of the right project landing on the right desk at the right time.

My new romantic thriller, Witness for the Damned, is coming along nicely. I've sent out Fool Me Once to an e-publisher and am waiting to hear back from the editor. In the meantime, it's out to a beta reader for a continuity read. I'm also working on revisions for Breaking All the Rules, short romantic comedy and a "re-vision" of Residuals, my urban fantasy. So, it's not like I don't have things to do, right?

My last article for the RWR is out this month and in it I thank all the people who helped me over the last 24 months. But I forgot some people ...

MY AWESOME CRITIQUE PARTNERS AND BFFs!!! I love you guys (girls). You kept me sane through some very hectic times. And you never let me forget what it was really all about. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, (etc., inifite and beyond).

Sandra Ferguson
LA Mitchell
Mary Karlik
Delores Shaffer
(You can check out their blogs listed on the right under "Author Blogs")

Until next time, Happy writing!

1 comment:

L.A. Mitchell said... sweet Sherry :)

I actually just read that article today...I know..super late, right?

I'm so glad I could help you out with it all. I wouldn't have done it for anyone but a flip flop sister ;)