Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Dreaded Synopsis

Well, I sent my baby to a trusted cp for a continuity read. Got it back. And revised once again. I can truly say the ms is as tight as I can make it at this point in time.

In fact, I was so excited I was ready to send it off with the synopsis. Thank God I decided to take another look at the synopsis. Eleven pages of mediocre writing.

Depressing, to say the least.

I had to start from scratch. It's taken me two full weeks to carve out the synopsis for a book that's complete. And the darn thing's only seven pages (single-spaced). That's a good thing, I think.

Anyway, the query is sent to my favorite agent. Hopefully, I'll hear back that she wants to read the partial; or better yet, the full.

Until then, Happy Writing.

Never give up! Never surrender!


L.A. Mitchell said...

Good luck with your dream agent, Sherry :)

K.M. Saint James said...

Yeah! I've seen you the morning after . . . that synopsis was carved out, I mean. Actually there were several mornings after as you worked through it.

Congrats on sticking to it and accomplishing the dreaded synopsis.

Here's a toast to agent success.