Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm done! I'm done! I'm done!


I finished the revision of Fool Me Once, my dark romantic comedy. As a reward, I bought myself a special coffee cup, which is why I chose this photo. (It makes me want to run out to Bion Journa Coffee House, right now.)

One desperate ex-housewife. One bad boy undercover. One dead ex-husband. Makes for one strange menage-a-trouble!

Yes, I thought that up all by myself. :) Now, it's off to my critique partners for a continuity read and a final once over. Here's crossing my fingers it's in as good a shape as I believe it is, then it's off to agents, (in the hopes of acquiring one to represent me) and to one special publisher who I promised to submit the final product.

Wish me luck and happy writing,

1 comment:

L.A. Mitchell said...

Nice to see Sexy made it over here,

Seriously,congrats on getting to the finish line and many good ju-ju vibes on landing your dream agent.