Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring Break!!

I just got back from San Diego a couple of days ago. And while I was dreading the trip (work related), I'm so glad I went. The sun and air in San Diego was just the right prescription to evaporate the chilly cobwebs still clinging to my psyche. There was even a whale in the bay, though I didn't see him. The news made daily reports on his progress and speculated as to his intent and condition. They had no idea why he'd chosen to visit the bay area. Perhaps he came out of curiosity and then, like me, was reluctant to leave. I completely understand. It's a grand place.

So many ships and sloops and a couple of sizeable aircraft carriers (trust me, they're immense) and the maritime museum. The water alternated between glassy smooth and gentle waves. The boardwalk had everything from hawkers to magicians to psychics with on-the-spot readings. All in all, it was a true escape from my every day and just what I needed to take that step outside myself and gain some perspective.

Can you believe it? We made it through an incredibly depressing winter, political change overs, economic down turn and wintry blasts frigid enough to crack any writer's enthusiasm.

But now Spring is just around the corner. The sun is fighting its way through the clouds. The days are longer. The grass is greening up (that's a Texanism) and I'm hopeful, once again, that all will be well. Eventually.

And I'm writing again, after a long dry spell due to too many other things that took precedence over my free time. I only wish I had time to go to the beach this week. Guess I'll settle for a trip to Six Flags with the kids and the Dallas World Aquarium. And I'll dream about long lazy walks on the beach and that perferct tan ...

What's on your Spring Break schedule?


L.A. Mitchell said...

Sounds perfect, Sherry. I'd love to visit there someday :)

K.M. Saint James said...

What a picture you drew, you writer you!

Glad there were moments to enjoy the beauty along with all the work you did.

As for Spring Break -- a little trip to the Aquarium to watch the fish, the otters, and the sloth. What a fun creature. I'd like to move that slow and still get things done. Of course, maybe he doesn't get anything done, he just doesn't care. Either way, he's a great creature to watch.