Monday, June 2, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 63

Psychic Fair, anyone?

That's right. In observance of our own LA Mitchell's birthday, we decided to celebrate by attending a psychic fair. Dallas hosts the event the first Sunday of each month in the ballroom of the Holiday Inn Select at Josey Ln and 635.

We saw everything from Tarot, Mahjong, Psychics, Numerologists, Astrologists, Crystal balls, rune stones, crystals, Chakra Healing, Raiki, Past Life Specialists, Palm Readers, you name it. We each decided to split up and register for as many different mediums as possible. Then we went to dinner to pow-wow on what we'd learned throughout the day.

It was a very enlightening afternoon (no pun intended :). I'll let the fair goers post their experiences on their own blogs. As for me, I found the Mahjong and Numerology to my liking.

I'm a big fan of Numerology, as some of you may know. I was stunned by how fast this woman put a chart together (it takes me hours). She hit on a lot of targets for me. I also was enamored with the Mahjong cards. They're beautifully depicted and I'm tempted to get myself a deck to study them. The reader did a very good job with them. She was kind enough to let me pick her brain with questions about her gift and initiation into the practice. Thanks, Carol!

So, maybe we can find another Sunday to have another adventure at the Psychic Fair. Anyone want to join us?


L.A. Mitchell said...

Hey, I blogged about it, too! How much fun WAS that?! What a great celebration--thanks :)

Mary Malcolm Duncanson said...

That sounds like so much fun! Actually, I'd love to join you next time. I've been working up a bible for a series, and the second story in the series has an astrologer in it...the extra information would be fantastic. So just let me know when you're going, and I'll be there with bells on. Maybe not bells. But something just as shiny.

K.M. Saint James said...

I'm getting ready to blog on this very subject . . . amazing how great minds think alike.

Right now, I'm working on my website. Wish it was the really fun writing. Maybe later.

I loved the Fair. I'm all game for spicing our looks up before the next one -- just to make things interesting.

Thanks, LA, for having a BD so we could celebrate.