Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 58

Memorial Day Daze?

That about sums it up. 20 hours in a car is not conducive to relaxation and/or embueing the muse. However, I did jump back on the wagon last night and eeked out 250 new words. I have no idea what my word count is as most of my revisions have been in long hand. I haven't done this much actual writing (with a pen!)since college. It is cathartic, however. Very different from my usual break-neck typing pace.

And it's alleviating the burnout on this book. So, how do you avoid the dreaded burnout?


L.A. Mitchell said...

This picture made me laugh. Glad you're back safe :)

I applaud you for the longhand. I just can't do it anymore, my thoughts escape too fast.

Mary Malcolm Duncanson said...

Welcome Back Sherry! That picture made me laugh as well.

I think as far as avoiding burnout, sometimes you just have to give yourself a break. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves, and I think that is where burnout is born.

As far as writing, I've made it to the halfway point of the new book and I'm thirty percent through the edits of the last one, so that's where I am. *lol*

And I'm glad you're back. I missed the pictures and the blogs. No pressure, just missed ya.

Sherry A Davis said...

Thanks, Mary (blushing). I missed you, too. Five days is too long.

I'm back at the long-hand stuff tonight. Taking a short break to check out everyone's blog :)