Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 51

Hey, it's hump day :) (I just wanted to say that! hehehe)

I love it that we have a three-day holiday this weekend. Whoooo-hoooo! I'm headed to my nephew's wedding in Topeka, KS. This kid was my ring bearer 20 years ago. I can't believe he's 26. But what a great man he's turned into. And he's chosen a honey of a bride. I'm so proud and happy for both of them.

I'm taking the weekend off. We're headed for a resort hotel for the weekend and I intend to take some time to ponder on the heart and romance. I'm filling up the well, girls!

Hope every single one of you has a great, restful (or productive, whichever suits you) weekend.




L.A. Mitchell said...

Safe travels, S :)

Sherry A Davis said...

Thanks, L. Love you!!