Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 22

I'm home today with a migraine :( Everything is an irrantant. Smells. Sounds. Textures. Light.

I think I'll pick out a dark scene and work on that today.

Thanks for the crystal link, Tracy. I'll check it out.

Write on!



Sherry A Davis said...

I piddled around with an alternate opener last night. I only added 150 words. :(

L.A. Mitchell said...

I'm so sorry you're not feeling well today. No forward momentum yet today, but I am enrolled in Marjorie Lawson's online EDITS course. Ask me where I'll get the time. Go ahead, ask :)

Anonymous said...

Poor Sherry! I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Those type of headaches are the worst too.

And L.A. --only because I'm feeling daring-- So tell me, Where will you get the time?? *batting my eyelashes*

So I'm done with the synopsis. I unplugged the internet, turned off the phones and swore to myself I couldn't do anything else until it was done. So at 3267 words--it is done.

Thank you for the offer Sherry! I had several synopsis blueprints I was working from. It's more that my muse hates boiling down my stories into synopsis form. She really throws major hissy fits when it comes to condensing. *grin*

But it is done! So thank goodness, and I'll wait a day before editing it, then mail it out by the end of the week. Wish me luck!!

L.A. Mitchell said...

Okay, ladies. Five hundred and ninety six (looks SO much more substantial when it's SPELLED OUT, right?) Are we done yet?

Mary, I'll find the time sandwiched in between judging the five historical manuscripts I volunteered to work on about six months ago. All before May 1. EEEK!

Sherry, puddling is good. I like puddling. Tomorrow will be productive for you. I can feel it.