Monday, April 21, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 21

Good morning!

Here's a little inspiration for this Monday writing day :)

Happy Writing,


Sherry A Davis said...

It was either this beach picture or the buff and shirtless cowboy with a lasso :) (feel free to conjure the mental image of that!)

I added 2100 words over the weekend. Not a stellar word count but it's forward momentum.

Anonymous said...

Well, I've gone backwards because I deleted some stuff that was just trash. I'm at 13k on one and 1100 on another. But I've also been helping a friend with her nonfiction proposal and that's been mega time consuming.

L.A.- Loved your post about not being able to get into the sexy scene while at soccer practice. I take it there were no DILF's running around.

And Sherry, if you're into energy crystals, check out I just ordered a necklace to aid in creativity and allow my inner passion to flow freely. Wahoo! It's also just really cool looking stuff!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I'm a turkey. Today I wrote 234 words of my synopsis that I'm supposed to be sending out.

Have I mentioned before that I hate these things? *sigh*

I promise to do better tomorrow.

Sherry A Davis said...

Thanks for the tip, Tracy. I am in to stones :) I'll check it out.

Mary, do you want the synopsis blueprint?