Sunday, April 20, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 20

Wow. Anyone coming up on the 20k mark? Tracy? Mary? Laura?

Hey, I think Sandra will be joining us this week. She's back from a long-term subbing position so we need to rally behind her and cheer her on to the finish line. She's so close to the end.

I'm almost finished with the new plot-line (for now) and ready to put some new words on the page.

Happy Writing,
Sherry -


Andrea Geist said...

My writing challenge - Day 1
Free writing on my new short story. Finally, rested and writing.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the plotting Sherry!

And Welcome to the challenge Andrea! Best wishes with your new short story.

Well, ladies...I am calling it a night. I've got 3104 new words for today for a grand total of 11717 altogether. So, no where near the 20K where I'm supposed to be, but I am hoping to be caught up again soon.

And I'm pretty proud of where I am. I feel like the characters are developing nicely, the plot is moving on up, and I even introduced the character who is going to be the the main heroine in my Next book. *phew*

So good luck to everyone else! Can't wait to see how your books are shaping up as well!

Sherry A Davis said...

Yeaahhhh! Andrea :) Glad you joined the fun.