Saturday, April 19, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 19

Here's the post. Sorry it's so late. I worked on my synopsis again this morning and completely forgot to post!

You know what to do.

Happy Writing!



Anonymous said...

Alright ladies, I'm cutting it short today at 736 words. My new total is 8659, and I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be able to get at least 2000 or hopefully more in.

But for now, I have five little munchkins curled up in my living room, and I'm pretty sure the youngest (she's one) is about to wake up and notice I'm missing.

So good luck to everyone else! Happy Writing!

Sherry A Davis said...

Mary, I didn't know you had little ones. 5??? And if they're not yours, then whose are they?

I spent the day with my cp's. We celebrated a friends b-day. Very nice.

But I also wrote around 400 words on my synopsis.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, definitely not mine. *grin* My youngest brother has five kids ages seven to one and once a month they come over for a movie/hang out night.

It's a lot of fun, but considering my kid is a one year old black lab...I'm not used to that much craziness. *lol*

But still lots of fun.

Good job on your synopsis! I've still been putting mine off (bad author), but I promise I'll get it written VERY soon. *sigh*

Unless someone would like to volunteer to write it for me?