Friday, April 18, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 18

I'm nowhere close to 18k words but I'm pushing forward. The local storms knocked out my muse last night but I found something I'd lost. My original hand-written synopsis of book 2!!

I feel like Karma just smacked me up side the head :) May you all be struck by it (gently, of course).

Off to write,


Sherry A Davis said...

I wrote 4400 words on my synopsis today :) I'm smokin'! (but not really :0

L.A. Mitchell said...

That's fantastic. I made it exactly two paragraphs today before I realized I could not get into an intimacy scene while sitting at a soccer practice. AH! Summer is coming WAY too fast. Must. Get. Finished. :)

Sherry A Davis said...

Intamacy+soccer practice= :-p

Two paragraphs is still forward momentum. And it's a Friday night.

Oops. I miscalculated my written words. I meant 2400 not 4400. I was thinking about that defunct series earlier this evening. Must've translated from my tangentially challenged brain to the fingers :(

Good news: I found my quartz crystal!(the clearing stone) Yeahhhh!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I did not write a single word yesterday, but today I managed 1818. I'm sitting at 7924 all total, and feeling pretty good about it. Finally got them to stop arguing long enough to recognize their attraction to each other. And now they're right back to arguing. *lol*

Congratulations on the synopsis writing, Sherry! My least favorite thing in the world, so I truly must salute your fortitude.

And L.A. You really have to stop telling us about things like that. It made me laugh so hard I woke my puppy from a sound sleep. *grin*

You'll get there! I have no doubt about that.

And actually, I'm just kidding. You really have to keep telling us things like that. I need a good laugh these days.

See you ladies soon!