Saturday, April 12, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 12

Okay, I'm down on word count but up on plotting. I'm shooting for the mid-point (again) after some great comments and assistance from my critique group. It's taken me a couple of weeks to wrangle the new elements into my pre-existing vision for Soul Gatherers but I think it's better.

How do you plot?

Happy Writing,


Sherry A Davis said...

Okay, I've hit 900 but have to stop to go clean out the van and put the camping stuff together.

Yes, I know it's like 50 degrees outside. No, I don't want to go camping tonight. My daughter has a sleepover b-day party at a local camping ground (in a cabin, thank God).

More tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Plotting...I'm not much of a plotter. I do write from a three-act structure, but I don't plan it out. I just try to keep track of my word count so I know where each of the acts needs to hit. Then I just write. I love to close my eyes and imagine it like a movie...what do I see? Are there certain things they would be smelling? Where would their hands be? *lol*

For me it works, but I'm an odd duck. Sometimes I wish I could be more of a plotter, but most of the time I'm happy with things the way they are.

WRITING! I promise I'll start again next week. So hold on to your hats girls, I'm coming. Right now I'm sitting at 2446 words all together, but I'll catch back up.

Anonymous said...

I don't plot either, not in any strict sense. If I have an idea, I'll write it down in my journal, then as elements come to me, I'll add the twists until I have enough to get started. Eventually it starts to flow.

I'm having a hard time getting into the zone. I started one book with this challenge, but another idea I'd written down started to haunt me so I've played around with it. Now I've got two books started. One I'm at 10,300 words and the other just a little over a thousand, so in total for the challenge, I've got a little over 11k words.

I don't feel like I'm accomplishing much. I'd loved to be holed up somwhere with no husband and no kids, just me, my laptop and peace and quiet!

Sherry A Davis said...

Amen, Tracy, on the peace and quiet :)