Friday, April 11, 2008

Writing Challenge: Day 11

Inspiration comes in many forms. Here are a few of mine while working on the fast draft of Residuals II: Soul Gatherers.

Tell me what inspires you?

Happy Writing,


L.A. Mitchell said...

How inspiring. I shall post mine tomorrow on my blog. Great idea.

Total for past two days: 2047 words

Hopefully, more to come tonight.

Anonymous said...

For inspiration...when I'm searching for my main characters, I go to and find people who fit what I'm looking for. I use their pictures as my reminder of what my characters look like. I use their profiles for how they might think, and even the activities they would be involved in. Okay, so it's cheating just a bit, but I have to tell's a great tool!

Still working on the final edits for Diner Girl, but I should be able to send it to Pam Strickler by Monday so I'm very excited about that!

L.A.! You still have to tell me about your request. I'd love to hear what you have going!

Anonymous said...

Music inspires me. I'll hear a song on the radio and it'll remind me of a particular scene. The song will either send me back to rewrite or serves as a sign that I've hit it.

I also watch people at the gym or while out to eat. You can get ideas based on their facial expressions, if they're really into conversations or if they're totally zoned out. I'll make up stories about what's running through their mind, what they'd rather be doing and why they are where they are.

Mary- the Match deal is a brilliant idea!