Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tagged with a MEME

My dear friend and cp, LA Mitchell has tagged me for a MEME. Apparently, she wants to know seven random facts about me. I don't even remember seven unrandom facts. Seriously, I counted. Twice.

Obviously, the situation calls for alcohol. (Pinot Noir to the rescue!)

Rules of the MEME:
Link to the person who tagged you.
Leave a comment on their blog, so their readers can visit you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
Tag 7 random people at the end of your blog.
Include links to their blogs and let each of them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Okay, so here goes:

1. I like to think I know about wines. No, really. My romantic fantasy is to kidnap my husband for a wine country tour, ala my favorite movie French Kiss, just the two of us. So I've been educating myself on wines for the last few years.

2. Well, okay. I guess the above was two random facts. I actually learned about writing romance from the movie French Kiss with Kevin Kline and Meg Ryan. They were such complete opposites with nothing in common that I fell in love with both of them and then fell in love with the movie. I only later realized after I'd read Chris Vogler's Writer's Journey that the screenplay followed it perfectly. So, I gave a workshop on it, convinced everyone would love it the way I did. (Sorry, my friends. Thanks for putting up with me.)

3. I, like LA, also had an NDE. I was sixteen and out to dinner with my brothers and parents at a local steak house when I choked on a popcorn shrimp. No white light. But I do remember I actually floated up out of my body. I was looking down on the scene when my older brother performed the Heimlich (sp?). I kep the secret for nearly twenty years. It took me until after my dad died to actually confront and face what had happened.

4. I have a TV addiction. I excuse it by telling myself I'm studying the dialogue/setting/character/whatever. But it's an addiction, all the same. Especially sci-fi/fantasy. (I'm a serious SCI-FI channel kinda-girl!) Ben Browder as John Crighton in Farscape is the only man I'd EVER leave my husband for. Since I'm confessing, I also "study" crime drama and relationship dramas.

5. Are we at seven, yet? Hmm. Okay, here's something not widely known about me. When my kids were little, I made extra money working weekends at fairs and carnivals as a face-painting clown. I actually went to a clown school. :)

6. I've never been stalked. Never had a prison inmate read one of my books and request an article of my clothing as memorabilia. Never committed a federal crime (speeding through the red light doesn't count). I've only had sex with one guy. And that's the way I like it. Monogomous to the end. (except for that one fictional hero--see #4)

7. My most serious injury was when fell through the attic in our house.

That's it :) Now it's time to tag (Mwah, hah, hah--evil laughing).

1 comment:

L.A. Mitchell said...

What a good sport you are! You're ready to go on "Moment of Truth" Seriously, these were great :)