Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Here we are before the Gala Event.

This is LA Mitchell (GH Finalist/Romantic Elements) with her hubby and meteorologist for the NWS, Eric. He was such a good sport! And he looks great in a suit. :) Who do we call to get this guy a gig reporting the local weather???

Here we are with our chapter buddies. (L-R) Jenny Gardiner(American Title III Winner!), Andrea Geist, Rosemary Clement-Moore (Prom Dates from Hell), Shannon Canard, Mindy Obenhaus, Sherry Davis, Sandra Ferguson (Harm's Way), Jayliss Karlik.

The ladies of the "Feet" photo. After the Gala in front of the fountain. There were at least twenty tables laden with desserts and at least that many free-standing bars. Nice evening. (Back to front and left to right) Sandra Ferguson, Sherry Davis, Laura Bradford (Bradford Lit.), Andrea Geist, LA Mitchell(GH Finalist), Delores Shaffer, Jayliss Karlik, Teresa Southwick (The Shiek's Contract Bride/Harlequin).

Here's LA grousing about her hair. Hey, we're from Texas. It's what we do.
Great conference. Great friends.


L.A. Mitchell said...

These pictures are great! I stole every last one of them. Thanks, Sherry :)

Anonymous said...


It was my pleasure meeting you and the rest of the N TX RWA crew. Y'all seemed like a fun bunch, alot like my crazy, nutty buddies I grew up with around (one that I fished with this morning with his dad).

Despite LA Mitchell not getting her due (blah!) for the GH Best Romantic Element award, I (and of course LA) really enjoyed the gala.

Oh, and by the way, you're way too kind with your compliments, as I'm just a normal smoe joe(my middle name) like any other guy. I did appreciate it though.

Now, can y'all get LA where she needs to be. Seems these publishers don't know what they're missing out on.

Y'all keep kickin' like Texans always do!


Sherry A Davis said...

Hi Eric,
Yes, as soon as we find the magic wand, publishing contracts will be rolling in :) With LARGE advances!

(We can dream, right?)

Shannon Canard said...

Lovely pictures, Sherry.

K.M. Saint James said...

More great pics, Sherry.

You're so shaming me into uploading my own.

Crimney, Andrea looks great in my jacket doesn't she?

And boy-oh-boy, is LA really that tall? *GRIN*

Hey, Eric, welcome to the blogging.

Thanks, Sherry for keeping such a great record of our fun.