Sunday, July 29, 2007

More Fun at RWA National Convention in Dallas

This happens to be the only picture I took of Friday. A pity, because Friday was by far the funnest day :) My friend Sandra Ferguson and I started out hunkered down outside the ballroom where agent/editor appointments were taking place. We practiced out pitches until they called our names. Did our thing, then queued for the Publisher sponsored booksignings. Avon was first on the Docket. They're a large publishing house with a strong romance line. They've also recently opened to Women's Fiction in the last year.

The place was packed so we each headed in opposite directions. When we left, we each had a full box of books. We also picked up a couple of flash drives in Avon's signature pink. Cool.

I headed for the Passionate Ink Luncheon where I ran into friends. Great luncheon. Everyone walked out with goody bags full of more books and animal print cowgirl hats. All I need now is a stripper pole in my bedroom!

We finished out the evening by going to dinner, which is where the photo from above was taken. (Please ignore the wine bottle and empty glasses on the table!) Shannon had to beg off due to a migraine. (Shannon, you were missed!) And Mary was at the Harlequin Bash with Terry. (I've heard that was quite a party.)

Needless to say, it was an adventure. We had a very good time. I laughed so hard my jaws ached. There were also a couple of happy tears. I love these women. We've come a long way. There was a lot to celebrate. And with our Laura a Golden Heart Finalist, it just made it a perfect night.

More later.


L.A. Mitchell said...

I love this picture. I will always treasure it and remember how much fun we had that night :-)

K.M. Saint James said...

What a great memory. Thanks, Sherry, for doing this and saying it so well.

Shannon Canard said...

Ya'll look so cute!