Sunday, July 1, 2007

I love The Mummy Returns!

Remember that scene at the end of the movie? The one where Rick has stabbed the ceremonial spear into the Scorpion King and sent him and his army back to Hell?

The event triggers an earthquake inside the pyramid and rips a fissure in the ground, leading to Hell. Rick's holding on by his fingertips while the minions of Hell are trying to pull him in when he looks up. Notices Evie watching him. He starts yelling at her to go, even as she adopts a resolute expression and makes her way toward him.

She risks her life to save him, knowing they both could die (she's already died so this is high drama, folks!) Of course, she saves him. And in the background, we see the bad guy calling to his bad girl to save him in like fashion. Of course, she doesn't come through for him. She attempts to save herself, tripping and falling into a pit of scarob beetles that eat the flesh from her bones. Yuck!

But Evie never wavers. She keeps pulling on Rick until he's safe. That's heroism and romance tied up in a nice pink bow. It evokes so many emotions and appeals in so many ways to men and women alike.

In short, this movie has it all. High concept premise. Action. Adventure. Exotic setting. To-die-for Romance . . . -sigh-. The pinnacle of fine writing in my estimation. It not only inspires but reminds me of what I aspire to. This is why I write. What I'm trying to achieve in my own endeavors each time I sit down at the computer.

I just finished a week of family vacation at the beach. Nothing but laying in the sun. Goofing off with the kids and the hubby and filling up the well inside me that had been running on fumes for waaaayyyy too long.

I really took a slice and slowed down. Forced myself to take a look at all the other things in my life that are good.

I hope each of you will do the same, if not now then in the very near future. Life is a beautiful merry-go-round.

Take a spin!

1 comment:

Shannon Canard said...

The Mummy and it's sequel are two movies I watch every year. They never get old.