Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm So Excited!!!

Isn't she adorable?? Everything seems to be written all over her face. EXCITEMENT

And I feel the same way. Thanks to some really great reviews and a posse of pals and relatives willing to buy my debut novel, Here Comes the Bribe , it has quickly climbed into the Bestsellers list of The Wild Rose Press and hasn't left since it's release date on June 27. Honestly, three weeks was so much more than I hoped for. I'm sending out a big THANK YOU to everyone who's stood behind me and encouraged me to reach for this dream. Your support has truly meant more to me than a few feeble words on this blog could possibly hope to express.


If you visit the home page link below, and look to the right hand side of the page, they list the Current Bestsellers in their inventory. HCB is riding at #2 overall, in all lines/catagories offered by the publisher, The Wild Rose Press.

Here Comes the Bribe is listed as #1 among the four Contemporary Lines and #1 in my catagory, Champagne Rose! Amazing!!!

If you're interested in the reviews of HCB, link here

And feel free to post your own review of Here Comes the Bribe.

Again, my most heartfelt thanks.



L.A. Mitchell said...

If there's any one among us that has paid dues to arrive at this moment, it's you. You deserve each moment of bliss. Congrats on #2. Let's spread the word to get it to #1 :)

Sherry A Davis said...

Thank you, my dear sweet friend. And we will make it to X-Files. I wish you were headed to San Francisco with me.