Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Writing Challenge Day 9

Here's the challenge post for Day 9. I'm working on submissions for requests I received at Dreamin' In Dallas last weekend.

Editor Esi Sogah of Avon requested a query and sample pages of Fool Me Once. Sr. Executive Editor Cindy Hwang of Berkley requested a partial of Residuals: The Mender. Whoo-hooo!

Anyone else prepping manuscripts for publishers or editors? Post your news!

Happy Writing,


L.A. Mitchell said...

Okay, I've caught up from the snag I hit last night involving Typhoid Fever and The Colorado Central Railroad. AH! Anyway, yesterday: 1060. I'll post today's total probably close to midnight.

Glad to see everyone working so hard:)

Anonymous said...

I am in that boat with you Sherry! At the conference I received a request for a query letter and sample pages from Pam Strickler of Author Management. Well, I sent them on Monday (Already had them ready) and heard back from her on Tuesday. She loved the sample and would like to read the entire manuscript! So I've been editing like mad trying to get it ready and I'm hoping to send it to her by Saturday.

So best wishes to you as well!

And L.A.! Great count for your writing. I know you've been sick, so I'm glad to see you up and moving again. Great job!

L.A. Mitchell said...

Mary! That's fantastic!! Absolutely, girl, that comes first.

I've been working on a submission, too, haven't written word one for today's count and will be gone most of the night. Uh.