Friday, August 17, 2007

Moving on to Fast Draft . . .

. . . and on to Book II. Yiipppeeeee!!!!!

I recently started plotting the second book in my urban fantasy series and I'm having a great time with it. I'm pushing through the working synopsis so I'll be ready to FAST DRAFT on Monday.

For those of you who've never heard of FAST DRAFT, please go to She's a wonderful writing buddy, (author of the Charmed & Dangerous series about a witch who provides Secret Service type protection for the Prime Minister) and she has a free online continuous-running writers workshop.

One of the workshops is to put people together to do Fast Draft, a venue for motivated writers to hack out a first draft of their novel in two weeks. Yes, two weeks! Each writer commits to a certain # of pages(usually 20) per day. They band together in groups to report their daily totals in an accountability to the muse.

Whatever # of pages you choose to commit to, there are writers there to support one another and push each other to meet their page count, answer questions, brainstorm, etc.

The point of FAST DRAFT is to turn off the internal editor. You're not allowed to edit the words on the page until the challenge period is over. This is to help you meet the daily goal and to help you free the creative side. This first draft is just for you. And if you push your page count, even by a couple of pages, and write even after you really would rather stop for the day, you'll find the gold. Something magic happens when we just "let go" of that control and dig deep inside ourselves.

The workshop is also a great way get involved and meet other writers, find out how they get through the tough spots in a novel. Sometimes, the hardest part is putting that first word on the page.

Happy Writing :)


K.M. Saint James said...

Um, I know why you didn't post today -- YOU WERE WORKING ON THE NEW BOOK!!!!

Yeah, you go.

L.A. Mitchell said...

I can't wait to hear how your fastdraft experience goes. I hope you find much inspiration and copious amounts of time to blaze through those pages :)