Sunday, July 15, 2007

RWA Conference in Dallas -- Part 1

The Romance Writer's of America held their annual convention the week before last in Dallas. I thought I'd have a chance to post about the conference during those days but down time was practically non-existent! If I managed the odd thirty minutes here or there, it was to catch my breath before the next function.
So, I'll attempt to do the catch up here.

For me and my great cp's, the week started early with a plot-fest at a friend's house on Tuesday. This was the original group from seven years ago when we started: Teresa Southwick (Terry), Judi McCoy, Mary Karlik, Sandra Ferguson and myself. When we began, Terry had been pubbed since 92 with Silhouette, Judi had recently been bought by Kensington and Mary, Sandy and I were plugging away, still trying to get all the pieces to fit in place.

Since Terry and Judi had both moved away, it was especially great to have them all to ourselves for the day. We had a great time. Chatted and caught up then plotted until our jaws were sore and brain-lock set in. Later, we cooked and laughed and drank until we were all warm and fuzzy :)

The next morning, we put our conference stategies together over breakfaast and set out for the conference hotel . . .

More later in part 2.

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