Thursday, June 21, 2007

Catching up :)

Okay. No excuses. I've been busy. Really, really busy.

The graduation thing kicked my butt! But I'd do it all over again. It was fun. And after all her hard work, my daughter was accepted at UNT. Go Mean Green!

I taught the two week Summer Science Camp. Glad that's over, although I do love science. :)

I've been working hard on the revision of Residuals. I've streamlined all the goals and motivations, clarified the conflicts of the protagonist and antagonists. Strengthened the romance plot line. Added texture to the setting, created emotion I *thought* was already on the page.
Overall, it's a great rewrite. And I only have 80 pages to go!! :)

In my spare time, I've been following (perhaps a bit obsessively) the demise of Triskelion Publishing. Mainly because I had a book on the senior editor's desk for 9 months. Yes. Nine long months without a contract to buy.

Initially, I questioned my ability to write. How could it sit on her desk for that long without a decision? Two separate editors had recommended it for contract. I just didn't get it. Then, as the month of May stretched out, I realized it wasn't me. It was the Publisher.

They're filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy on July 2. The newly appointed Publisher has resigned (former Sr. Editor).

So sad. My sympathies go out to all the authors published or under contract with Triskelion. They were doing so well. I've been diligently reading the blogs to find out what exactly happened. How could this up and coming company slide downhill so fast? Didn't they have a management team conducting their affairs? Who was the leadership behind the throne?

I don't know. Maybe my attempt to assign blame is macabre. It just feels like somewhere, someone pulled the rug out from under these people. I know it's not the first time a publisher has gone under and it won't be the last. It's just sad.

There were grumblings. Mostly attributed to a few authors who were "let go" from Triskelion's line up for whatever reason. I'm sure they have a legitimate "beef" against the company. There is a lot of "told you so" out there, too. It's out of place and completely uncalled for.

The best case scenario is the displaced authors receive their rights back and are able to take their books to other houses. That's IF their contracts aren't considered assets by the Trustee in charge of disbursing assets to the secured creditors (yes, I used to work in Bankruptcy in another life).

All that said, it just goes to prove that authors cannot rest on their muse. They have to become business savvy if they are to survive in the publishing industry. We have to wear both hats, creator and business professional.

So, here's the phrase for the day:

Write with your heart but think with your brains.

Write on!


L.A. Mitchell said...

Great advice, Sherry. There's so much more to it than we ever thought when "I think I'll write a book" turned into action.

Can't wait to read the Residuals again!

K.M. Saint James said...

I'm so glad you didn't end under a contract with Trisk.

Your time is coming.

Can't wait to see your first book cover.